Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why choose Mānuka Farming over other sellers of mānuka?

    Mānuka Farming is the only independent provider of best-in-class mānuka seedlings developed as part of the Ministry of Primary Industries’ 7-year research programme. 

    No other independent seller of mānuka seedlings can claim to have undertaken the same rigour and degree of testing that ensures their mānuka plants consistently deliver high-DHA levels, hardiness, improved flowering density, and attractiveness to bees. 

  2. What cultivars are available through Mānuka Farming?

    Mānuka Farming has a range of mānuka cultivars that were developed, selected, and perfected as part of the MPI’s 7-year research programme into high-performance mānuka plantations. 

    Based on your location and climatic conditions, Mānuka Farming can provide a range of suitable seedlings and even combine our different cultivars to extend your plantations flowering window (the length of time that mānuka is in flower and therefore the time that the bees produce honey from the mānuka flowers).

    Mānuka Farming also offers an eco-sourcing service whereby we take seed from mānuka already growing on your land and propagate it for you. 

  3. What is UMF and why is it important?

    UMF stands for Unique Mānuka Factor and is a registered trademark of the UMF Association. 

    UMF is the primary measurement of anti-bacterial activity in mānuka honey, and also the key determinant its market value. In other words, the higher the UMF, the higher the market value of mānuka honey.

  4. Do the genetics of mānuka plants affect the UMF of mānuka honey?

    Yes! UMF is directly related to the genetics of the mānuka plants. This is the reason it’s so important to select the best-in-class mānuka seedings for your mānuka plantation.  

  5. Can Mānuka Farming establish the mānuka plantation for me?

    Yes. We work with a range of establishment contractors with extensive experience in the establishment of mānuka plantations. We also have many learnings from our PGP trial sites throughout New Zealand that we started to in 2013.

  6. Is funding available for my mānuka plantation?

    Yes, the central government and some local governments offers several afforestation grants. We can help you understand which grants may be available for you to tap into.

  7. Do I need supporting plant species to feed bees when mānuka isn’t flowering?


    We recommend and can supply support species to complement your mānuka plantation and to ensure your bees are healthy and have pollen sources outside of the mānuka flowering window. This is an important part of plantation design as a healthy beehive is far more likely to produce higher mānuka honey yields. This also increases biodiversity.

    When selecting support species, it’s essential that their flowering timeframe(s) do not compete with the flowering timeframe of mānuka. This can be different for each of the regions with New Zealand.

  8. My local nursery sells “high-UMF” cultivars, are these the same?


    Mānuka Farming is the only independent provider of best-in-class mānuka seedlings developed as part of the Ministry of Primary Industries’ 7-year research programme into mānuka plantations. 

    Other “high-UMF” cultivars from nurseries may not have undergone any testing at all and might just be word of mouth “high-UMF”. Other nurseries might have carried out a nectar test on the parent plant, however, it’s imperative to note that this does not guarantee there will be continued production of high levels of DHA in the next generations of plants or that the same plant will produce the same DHA levels year on year.

    Our mānuka plants have been tested, trialled and selected over numerous years to ensure they consistently produce high DHA levels, as well as other critical qualities including hardiness, exceptional flowering density, and attractiveness to bees. 

    When investing in the establishment of a mānuka plantation it is critical to consider planting best-in-class cultivars as it directly impacts on the quality and quantity of mānuka honey produced.  As the adage goes “you get what you pay for”.

  9. What’s required to get my land ready to plant mānuka?

    The site needs to be clear of existing shrubs and/or trees. Prior to planting, desiccate spray need to be applied to remove any weeds that might otherwise compete with the mānuka seedlings.

    Each site is different and considerations need to be given to soil, rainfall and pests so please talk to us. We work with a range of establishment contractors with extensive experience and knowledge in the establishment of mānuka plantations.

  10. Can mānuka improve biodiversity?


    Mānuka is an indigenous species to New Zealand and can form part of a healthy ecosystems that improves biodiversity.  Mānuka is also an excellent species for reducing nitrogen leaching and sediment runoff into waterways.

  11. Is mānuka suitable for non-productive land parcels?

    The short answer is yes…though each site is different, so requires a site assessment.

    Mānuka is a pioneering species that establishes well in most environments. With a suitable land-use plan mānuka can be successfully integrated into traditional farms on steep or erosion-prone areas. 

  12. Can mānuka be registered into the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS)

    Yes. Mānuka is an approved forest species under the MPI definitions. 

    Provided the plantation area is greater than 1 hectare, and on land that was not forestry land pre-1990, a mānuka plantation can be entered into the Emissions Trading Scheme to earn carbon credits. 

    Please note, that there are certain areas within the South Island where mānuka does not typically reach heights of 5m and therefore would not qualify for ETS registration. We do however offer a range of other natives that would be suitable for ETS participation, so please contact us with any enquiries of this nature. 

  13. Can I contract out my beekeeping?


    Several types of arrangement exist including, the beekeeper paying a flat fee per hive; a share of the extracted wholesale value of the honey; a combination of the two.  

  14. Where can I sell my mānuka honey?

    High quality mānuka honey can readily be on sold to third parties. Mānuka Farming can put you in touch with honey buyers.